Mickey Mouse Rocket Cake

We just returned from a family trip to Disneyland and it reminded me of a special cake I made for my nephew’s 4th birthday. My nephew, Cavan, had finally gotten to the age where he was able to tell me what he wanted for his birthday cake, and it was a Mickey Mouse rocket cake. Of course I had heard of Mickey Mouse, but never a Mickey Mouse rocket ship, so I had to do some investigating to see what it was all about.

Luckily I did my research, because the Mickey Mouse Rocket has a very specific look with bright colored horizontal stripes wrapping around the rocket. I decided to make the rocket out of cake and set it on top of a cake planet. I used my upper and lowercase tappit sets to make the letters for this cake. The tappit sets are handy because they allow you to add a quick professional looking letters to your cake in a hurry! I generally use gum paste to make the letters, but if I am in a hurry and only have fondant I will just roll out my fondant and let it set out a few minutes before cutting the letters. This allows the fondant to firm up a bit so that the letters are more stable and easier to cut and handle.

I got the idea for the texture of this planet from the Debbie Brown book, Cartoon Cakes. I love all of Debbie Brown’s books and this one is fun just to look at even if you aren’t interested in cake decorating. It is a whole book of wonderful cakes featuring Warner Brothers cartoon characters. The cakes are expertly designed and decorated by Debbie Brown and they are truly unbelievable. There is a really cute Marvin the Martian cake, and that is where I got this planet idea.

The Mickey figure is made of gum paste. When making a small figure like this, I have to use gum paste because fondant is just too soft and I can’t get the small details. At the same time that I was making this cake, I was looking for a present for my nephew and I came across the perfect a toy called Fisher-Price Disney’s Mickey Mouse Space Rocket. It was Mickey Mouse with the very rocket ship that I was making in cake! With the cake and the rocket toy I was hoping to be number one Auntie!

It’s always a lot of fun to make cakes for children because they have such fun and over the top reactions! This ended up being a great 4th birthday cake that Cavan loved. I was happy to be able to make Cavan’s birthday extra special, and I am so lucky to have such a wonderful little nephew!